in Kowloon Club currently comprises the following :
membership is open to all Singapore Citizens, SPRs
(Singapore Permanent Residents), Employment Pass Holders,
Work Permit Holders, Social Visit Pass Holders and Student
Pass Holders. All applicants must be 21 years of age or over
except for the Student Pass Holders. Ordinary Members shall
be entitled to vote in General Meetings, but only Singapore
citizens and SPRs may hold office. The spouse and
children below 21 years of age of an Ordinary Members who
join the Club as Family Members shall not be
entitled to vote in General Meeting and hold office.
Associate membership is open to Hong Kong resident who have
been granted approval in-principle (AIP) for permanent
residence in Singapore and who are above 21 years of age.
Associate Members enjoy all the benefits as the Ordinary
Members except they shall not be entitled to vote in General
Meetings and hold office.
Members (Not available for applicant currently)
Life Membership is exclusive for Singapore Citizens and SPRs
who are 21 years and above only. Life Membership must not
exceed 50 per cent of the total number of Ordinary members
and shall be non-transferable. Life Members shall be
entitled to vote in General Meetings and may hold office.
Honorary Members :
Honorary Membership may be conferred to any prominent
Singaporean in recognition of special merit or contribution
to the Club. Honorary Members of the Club may be nominated
by the Committee and confirmed at the next General Meeting
by simple majority of those present and voting. Honorary
Members shall enjoy the same privileges as Ordinary Members
but shall not hold office and cannot vote in the General
Corporate Members :
Corporate Membership in the Club shall be open to all
companies and organisation registered in Singapore, subject
to the approval of the Committee. Corporate Members shall be
entitled to use the Club's functions for promotional
activities; place advertisements in the Club's newsletter
for six issues free of charge and subsequent issues at
discounted rates; hold talks and seminars for Club members;
and nominate five persons from the company/organisation to
attend Kowloon Club activities at the rates charged for
Members. However Corporate Members shall not hold office and
cannot vote in the General Meetings.